Wake Up and Crush the Day: a Morning Routine to Get Things Done

by | May 31, 2022 | Routines, Processes and Systems

Do you ever feel like there’s just not enough time in the morning to get everything done? You’re definitely not alone. I struggle with this too.

Most female leaders feel like they’re constantly juggling a million things at once. And if you don’t get a handle on it, this can lead to feeling overwhelmed and stressed, which is not good for your productivity or health.

A Morning Routine – The Secret Weapon To Help You Get The Most From Your Days

People often ask me how I get so much done while still being an engaged wife and mom. My secret? A solid morning routine. And no, it doesn’t have to start at 5 am.

A morning routine will help you get focused and organized for the day ahead. By taking some time for yourself, you can start your day feeling refreshed and ready to take on whatever comes your way.

I’m sharing how my mornings look below, but before you start being concerned that you’re not a morning person or you’re sick and tired of hearing about green smoothies…it’s ok – you do you!

Read through my morning routine below, and take inspiration from what resonates with you.

#1 – Start with Me-Time

Wake up early enough to have some peace and quiet before the day starts. Don’t look at your phone! This is time for YOU.

Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose with this one. It’s crazy how quickly I reach straight for the phone before my brain is fully awake. Then I’m caught in a news wormhole which doesn’t end well for anyone.

On my best and most productive days, I leave the phone in the bedside drawer, slowly wake up anywhere between 5.30 am and 7 am, and move through the steps that follow.

#2 – Drink Water

Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up to help hydrate your body.

Am I the only one that wakes up parched? I chug a 33oz bottle of water within the first hour of waking up, and it gets my energy going and sustains me throughout the day.

I gave up caffeine because it made me feel like I was on a seesaw of high/low energy and mood. I miss it. I love it. But we had to break up because it wasn’t working for me. So now it’s water and bone broth to kick off my mornings. Yes, I know. I’m one of those people, but darn if I don’t feel a whole lot better with that combo.

#3 – Activate your Body

Exercise for 30 minutes, whether it’s going for a walk, running, or doing yoga.

Sun salutations get the job done when I don’t have a lot of time. Or I drop my youngest at school and then walk for 30 minutes. I also love the 21-Day Fix HiiT workouts and the PACE videos on YouTube. Anything I can do in less than 30 minutes to get my heart rate up, sweat a little and hang on to the muscle that I’ve got.

#4 – Eat Breakfast

Eat a healthy breakfast – something to give you sustained energy throughout the day.

Think high protein, low sugar, and carbs. Diabetes runs in my family, so I’ve started having dinner for breakfast some days. Eating this way keeps me focused and my head clear so I can accomplish more in less time.

I also love frittatas to keep me running effectively – when I’m feeling super organized, I make one at the weekend to last me through the week.

#5 – Get Ready For The Day Ahead

Now, it’s time to take a shower, put on makeup, etc.

I’ve taken my inspiration from Michelle Obama, who had on/off days as our First Lady. My “on” days include shower, hair, makeup, and dressing my top half in my work uniform – a black or blue tee, blouse, or turtleneck. Even before the pandemic, I was on Zoom with clients. I find myself fashion-stressed when I have to meet people in person these days, but I have “uniforms” for that as well.

“Off” days rarely include a shower, makeup, or even polite conversation. They are the days this introverted achiever recharges through avoidance of human contact. Except for my family, of course.

#6 – Set Your Priorities

Choose the ONE thing that would be game-changing if you completed it today.

Some people Pomodoro, some time-block, I choose the one thing that would move the needle each day and focus on that first.

And, like step one above, sometimes I win, and sometimes I lose. Something urgent might pop up and derail that one thing I want to focus on, but that’s business ownership. I just add it to my list for the next day.

#7 – Start Work And Crush Whatever Comes Your Way!

Even when I execute the perfect morning routine, there are days when my energy is low, or my heart just doesn’t seem to be in it. This is when showing up is 99% of success. I just begin the day and give the best that I’ve got. And often, that’s enough to get things moving and build momentum.

(For more tips on ditching perfectionism in favor of steady progress, you might like to read: How to Break Free from the Perfectionism Trap and Unleash your Leadership Power.)

Scrabble tiles of words lead, team, succeed

Build A Morning Routine That Sets You Up For Success

Before I sign off, let’s be super clear about one thing. Your morning routine needs to support you in being energized, calm, and ready for your day – NOT make you feel under even more pressure.

My intention in sharing how I do my mornings is to encourage other women to give time and consideration to their own days and find ways to set themselves up for success. But the key to a successful morning routine is that it has to work for *you.* So think about your own unique needs and lifestyle, take what’s helpful from my routine and leave the rest behind.

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